Enduring A's
Albany, OR
Enduring A's Club History
The Enduring A’s started life as a club when five friends were talking about Model A’s, at a swap meet. Lee Borchers, a member of the Willamette Valley A’s Chapter in Salem proposed forming a chapter in Albany and the idea caught on. Those five, Lee Borchers, Joe Fazzio, Ray Mason, Bill Sims & Martin Harding were soon joined by others that had A’s and saw the need for a club. The club received its charter from the Model A Ford Club of America on January 7, 1978. Starting with 12 members it has steadily grown since then to well over 100 today.
The Enduring A’s stated purpose is to “to serve as a medium of exchange ideas, information and parts for admirers of the Model A Ford car and truck and to aid them in their efforts to restore and preserve the car and truck in its original likeness”. Membership is open to all who own a Model A (in any condition) or are interested in the Model A. Dues remain at $5.00 per person, just as they were in 1977!
The Enduring A’s was formed as a family-oriented club focused on the Model A Ford. But it has been and continues to be the people in the club that makes it great. The Enduring A’s has always been an active club with monthly meetings, picnics, tours both short & long, clinics to help members repair or maintain their cars and many other things to promote good fellowship and enjoyment of the Model A Ford. Presently, we have three generations as club members, all working and enjoying this active club.
Founding Member,
Martin Harding